For example the third chakra, at the level of our stomach, corresponds to our solar plexus. The fourth, near our heart, corresponds to the aortic plexus.
In Sahaja each energy center has a meaning based on how that part of our body functions on a subtle level. For example the fifth center in our throats relates to communication and collectivity, whereas the sixth center in our forehead relates to mental activity and forgiveness. The basic meanings are:
#1) Innocence
#2) Creativity, pure knowledge and awareness
#3) Peace, satisfaction and generosity, self mastery
#4) Love, security, compassion and joy
#5) Communication and diplomacy; feeling part of the whole by having a more universal awareness
#6) Thought and mental activity, forgiveness
#7) This top center is an integration of all the centers. This is where we experience true meditation (thoughtless awareness) and gain awareness of our higher self.
When the subtle energies flow smoothly through a chakra we naturally express the positive qualities of that area. For example if the heart is clear we are more loving, more sensitive to beauty, and we feel more secure, all of which has a benevolent impact on the quality of our lives. A persistent blockage will indicate something is not quite as it should be there – that there is some behavior, feeling or habit which inhibits the energy moving through it. This can eventually lead to physical problems such as heart issues, or emotional problems like expressing love.
But through daily meditation these chakras become stronger and clearer as the kundalini, cleanses and balance us. When we are balanced everything changes, our reactions, behaviour and sense of feeling good inside. We come to know that this power to heal lies within and all we need to do is use it.
When the subtle energy rises to the 7th center this is known as “self realization“. By meditating regularly with the attention on this 7th center a new awareness starts to blossom. We see ourselves more objectively, what is good for us, and what takes us out of balance, and we see the world around us differently too. Although this occurs naturally through meditation, our rate of progress is accelerated through our desire and motivation to go deeper and to grow.
How our body speaks to us
As our awareness changes, our awareness of our body changes too and we come to see how our body tells us about our own condition. Notice how each finger in the subtle system has a number next to it. This shows how each energy center (chakra) is connected through our nervous system to our hands.
Through practicing Sahaja Yoga meditation we begin to feel sensations in our hands and body, which we can decode. Although the kundalini, as we meditate, will work to clear us automatically, if we understand what the sensations mean, we can actively work to clear ourselves more effectively. So even though a person doesn’t need to know the system to get the benefits, if they have a persistent blockage or health problem, understanding the system helps them fix that imbalance in a more conscious way.
When the energy is flowing it’s common to feel a coolness above our head and in our palms. Tingling in certain fingers or areas of pressure or tension in the body show resistance, and where the kundalini is working to clear. Asking the kundalini energy to clear any blockages you feel really helps, because then you are helping the kundalini with the power of your desire and motivation.
For most people this is a new awareness, so it can take a bit of time/effort to learn, and also to learn to trust we have this power within. Some people feel the tingling in their hands right away, and for others it takes longer. But the joy of connecting very tangibly with our spirits is available to all of us, and any effort we make soon pays off. This is how the power of love works inside us, and since it is the power of love, it is infinite.